SG250 Original Grindstone 250mm
MH380 Tormek Machine Cover
T8 Wetstone Grinder
MSK250 Stainless Steel Shaft with Ezylock
Anniversary Trucker Cap
SG200 Original Grindstone 200mm
RB180 Rotating Base
T4 Wetstone Grinder
MSK200 Stainless Steel Shaft with Ezylock
SB250 Blackstone Silicone 250mm
T4 Bushcraft Wetstone Grinder
RM533 Rubber Workmat
AWT250 Advanced Water Trough
SJ250 Japanese Waterstone 250mm
PA70 Honing Compound
HTK806 Hand Tool Kit
WB200 Water Trough
SJ200 Japanese Waterstone 200mm
SP650 Stone Grader
XB100 Horizontal Base
TT50 Diamond Truing Tool
DC250 Diamond Wheel Coarse 250mm
TNT808 Woodturners Kit
ADVD Replacement Diamond Bit
DF250 Diamond Wheel Fine 250mm
LA145 Leather Honing Wheel
US105 Universal Support with Micro Adjust
SE77 Square Edge Jig
DE250 Diamond Wheel Extra Fine 250mm
LA220 Leather Honing Wheel
R23 Drive Wheel
SVM00 Small Knife Holder
CW220 Composite Honing Wheel
DC200 Diamond Wheel Coarse
LA120 Profiled Leather Honing Wheel
DF200 Diamond Wheel Fine 200mm
SVM140 Long Knife Jig
LA124 Set of Narrow Exchange Discs
DE200 Diamond Wheel Extra Fine 200mm
SVX150 Scissors Jig
US430 Universal Support Extended
ACC150 Anti-Corrosion Concentrate
SVA170 Axe Jig
MB100 Multi Base
SVS38 Short Tool Jig
TC800 Jig Carry Case
SVD186R Gouge Jig
T8 Accessories Storage Tray T800
SVS50 Multi Jig
HTK00 Storage Tray For Handtool Kit
SVD110 Tool Rest Jig
TNT00 Storage Tray for Woodturner’s Kit
SVH320 Planer Blade Attachment
HB10 Tormek Handbook
SVP80 Moulding Knife Attachment
TNT300 Woodturners Instruction Box
DBS22 Drill Bit Attachment
TS740 Sharpening Station
TTS100 Turning Tool Setter
BGM100 Bench Grinder Mounting Set
WM200 AngleMaster
KJ45 Centering Knife Jig
US103 Universal Support with Micro Adjust
KJ140 Wide Centering Knife Jig
MB-102 Multi Base
KS-123 Knife Angle Setter
AX-40 Axe Jig
OWC-1 Converter
HTK906 Hand Tool Kit
19 Allens Road, East Tamaki
Auckland 2013
Ph (09) 271 7700
Fax (09) 271 7728
159 Ferry Road, Waltham
Christchurch 8011
Ph (03) 366 2013